Monday, January 7, 2019

Test 1

I'M WEARING>> Coat: Kleeaisons// Hoodie: Fila// Jeans: Monki// Shoes: Reebok// Beret: FF Studio// Bag: Stradivarius

Hi everyone! My lovelies, oh how I've missed you.

I owe everyone an explanation for the longesr hiatus I've had on this site yet. Umm, how do I put it? Life and waning interest got in the way, meaning that in addition to planning our wedding last year, all our other life plans, and everything that happened in my whirlwind of a November 2018, I got lost style-wise along the way. Nothing much was inspiring me, nor was it my partner in crime Leon, for that matter. 

So I stopped for a break. What started as a one-month hiatus soon turned into two, and before I knew it, it's been three months. There's no excuse, but I think I'm ready to be back now.

Sooo...if you're asking why I decided to start off my 2019 with this outfit, all I could say is, I was drawn to my staple pieces and mix-match ways. The elaborate outfits will continue of course, but for now basics will do. And I was warm and comfy in this so I can't complain. And the colors are showstopping, as is my usual! Also I decided to get bangs. Not my best idea as a natural curly head, but I've been making it work.

Anyways, that's it for today. Now that I've started, I don't want to stop again, so I'll be pushing on my three day schedule as much as I can.

Let 2019 begin!

See you soon, lovelies. - Che

Chezka Cenon Li

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